I work in the area of algebraic combinatorics.

My academic resume can be downloaded here:
(Last Updated: April 2024)

I'm currently giving a talk! You can view my slides here.

Zoom information:
  • Meeting ID: 963 8756 3075
  • Password: 1430

Research Interests

My main interest lies in the thoery of Coxeter groups and their connected structures. In particular I am intersted in the study of the combinatorics of Coxeter groups, hyperplane arrangements, oriented matroids, root systems, and generalized associahedra and permutahedra.





  • Upcoming talks

    • Discrete Math Seminar, Phoenix, Arizona, USA (Apr 2024) [slides]
  • Conjugacy class growth in affine Coxeter groups

    • 90th Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, Bad Boll, Germany (Sept 2023) [slides]
  • Enumerating Weyl cones of Shi arrangements

    • Three talks in Combinatorics, Barcelona, Spain (Jan 2024) [slides]
    • Various Guises of Reflection Arrangements, ICMS (March 2023) [slides]
    • 89th Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, Bertinoro, Italy (March 2023) [slides]
  • Maximal degree subposets of nu-Tamari lattices

    • Algebra Seminar, Leeds University (December 2022) [slides]
  • The importance of being straight

    • Dalhousie University Honours Seminar (January 2022) [slides]
    • Graduate Online Combinatorics Colloquium (April 2021) [slides]
  • Sign Variation and Descents

    • Discrete Geometry Seminar FU Berlin (June 2021) [slides]
    • Algebra, Geometry and Combinatorics Online Seminar, Online (January 2021) [slides]
    • Algebra and Discrete Mathematics Seminar, University of California, Davis, Online (January 2021) [slides]
    • Combinatorics Seminar, University of Minnesota, Online (December 2020) [slides]
    • Combinatorics Seminar, University of Copenhagen, Online (November 2020) [slides]
    • Discrete Math Seminar, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Online (November 2020) [slides]
    • Algebra and representation theory seminar, University of Oklahoma, Online (October 2020) [slides]
    • Algebraic (and enumerative) combinatorics seminar, University of Waterloo, Online (September 2020) [slides]
    • Rocky Mountain Algebraic Combinatorics Seminar (September 2020) [slides]
  • Facial weak order in hyperplane arrangements

    • Algebra Seminar, Manchester University (March 2022) [slides]
    • University of Queensland, Brisbane (August 2019) [slides]
    • Flags, galleries and reflection groups University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia (5-9 August 2019) [slides]
    • University of California Davis, CA (June 2019) [slides]
    • CanaDAM 2019, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (May 2019) [slides]
    • University of Minnesota seminar, Minneapolis, MN (May 2019) [slides]
    • North Carolina State University seminar, Raleigh, NC (April 2019) [slides]
    • Graduate students in combinatorics conference 2019, Philadelphia, PA (April 2019) [slides]
    • University of Toronto Applied Algebra Seminar, Toronto, Canada (November 2018) [slides]
  • The facial weak order of finite Coxeter groups and its lattice of quotients

    • 10th Ottawa Mathematics Conference (June 2017) [slides]
    • Séminaire du LaCIM, UQAM, Montréal, Canada (November 2016)
    • 28th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (July 2016) [slides]
    • 2016 Canadian Mathematics Society Summer Meeting (June 2016) [slides]
    • XIXe Colloque panquébécois des étudiants de l'Institut des sciences mathématiques (May 2016) [slides]
  • The facial weak order and its lattice quotients

    • AMS Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, Hartford, Connecticut (April 2019) [slides]
    • Algebraic Combinatorics and Group actions (July 2016) [slides]
    • Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 76 (April 2016) [slides]
  • Thesis Defense

    • Université du Québec à Montréal (August 2019) [slides]
  • Sage sessions


Upcoming Conferences

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